Positive Vibes Colouring Page!
Who doesn't love a freebie? Explore my ever-changing collection colouring pages! Grab 'em while they're fresh – new designs on the way!
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After downloading the file
1) Extract the ZIP file
On a PC: by right-clicking > ʻExtractʼ
On a Mac: Double click folder to extract (or by right-clicking > ʻOpen withʼ > ʻArchive Utilityʼ)
• Inside the folder youʼll find two PDF files and a png file
2) Use the PDFs for printing
• Includes US Letter & A4 paper sizes
• Open the PDF file for your chosen paper size using Acrobat Reader (Download for free
• Click File > Print from the top left menu to send it to your printer
3) Use the png file for digital coloring in programs like Procreate on your iPad
• Import the png into Procreate (or other digital app) - It has a transparent background. Lock the layer and create new layers underneath for you to color.
PLEASE NOTE: By downloading/printing the files, you agree not to sell, publish, or distribute them. Images are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. All images ©Liza Lluma. All rights reserved. Thanks : )

print out

Colour in

colour digitally too!
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Lluma Club
As a member you'll receive:
- EXCLUSIVE Good Vibes Activity Pack that you can download & print out immediately
- SNEAK PEAK of my new book releases